The youngest science returns to the IBE this summer Once again, the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE) is...
AULADELL MARTIN, ADRIÀ Biology and Ecology of Abundant Protists Postdoctoral Researcher ...
The Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE: CSIC-UPF) is committed to equality as a fundamental principle.  To that aim, the IBE Diversity Committee has proposed a first Gender and Diversity...
A group of butterflies flies across the Atlantic Ocean The Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE) participates...
Three IBE researchers receive the CSIC award for outstanding doctoral thesis Last Friday, June 12, the CSIC...
Documents de consulta vinculats al dossier del curs de biologia evolutiva per a professors (1a edició). Dossier per al professor: Joc "Passa la soca", etiquetes...
El Instituto de Biología Evolutiva (IBE, CSIC-Universitat Pompeu Fabra) organizó en noviembre de 2020 un curso de actualización dirigido al profesorado de biología de la ESO, 1º y 2º de...
The research carried out by this lab aims at understanding the mechanisms that regulate insect oogenesis. The model used is Blattella germanica, an insect with a panoistic ovary type, which is the...
The object of study of the research group are the mechanisms that regulate the metamorphosis of insects , and how these mechanisms have evolved from ancestral species, with a gradual metamorphosis...
The main goal of this lab is to understand how nutrition regulates key physiological processes in insects. Thus, its main interest lies in unravelling how the insulin receptor pathway controls...
Van Helden, Lauretta Marylene Scientific Support Personnel Evolutionary and Functional Genomics Lab ...