The key question in genomics is how genomes vary and evolve at both large and fine scales. The Evolutionary and Functional Genomics lab is particularly interested in understanding the molecular processes underlying adaptive evolution and the functional consequences of adaptive mutations. Towards this end, -omics strategies with detailed molecular and functional analyses of the candidate adaptive mutations are combined in order to arrive at a comprehensive picture of adaptation. This lab studies both transposable element (TE)-induced adaptations and point mutations in the model organism Drosophila melanogaster. It is also interested in the population dynamics of TEs. TEs are the most active, diverse, and ancient components in a broad range of genomes. As such, a complete understanding of genome function and evolution cannot be achieved without a thorough understanding of TE impact and TE biology.

Lab website: González Lab

Josefa González Pérez

González Pérez, Josefa
CSIC Tenured Scientist
Evolutionary and Functional Genomics Lab


Scientific Support Personnel
Evolutionary and Functional Genomics

Francesca Destefanis

Destefanis, Francesca
Scientific Support Personnel
Evolutionary and Functional Genomics Lab

Albert García Andrés

García Andrés, Albert
Undergraduate Student
Evolutionary and Functional Genomics

Michael Willam Nachman

Nachman, Michael Willam
Visiting Sabbatical Professor from California University
Evolution and Developmental Biology Lab

Ana Beatriz Stein Machado Ferretti

Stein Machado Ferretti, Ana Beatriz
Visiting Predoctoral Research from Universidade Estadual Paulista
Evolutionary and Functional Genomics

Lauretta Marylene Van Helden

Van Helden, Lauretta Marylene
Evolutionary and Functional Genomics Lab

Guio L, Barrõn MG, González J. 2014. The transposable element Bari-Jheh mediates oxidative stress response in Drosophila. Molecular Ecology, 23(8):2020-2030. DOI:10.1111/mec.12711

Barrón MG, Fiston-Lavier AS, Petrov DA, González J. 2014. Population genomics of transposable elements in drosophila. Annual Review of Genetics, 48:561-581. DOI:10.1146/annurev-genet-120213-092359

Ayala D, Ullastres A, González J. 2014. Adaptation through chromosomal inversions in Anopheles. Frontiers in Genetics, 5(MAY):1-10. DOI:10.3389/fgene.2014.00129

Casacuberta E, González J. 2013. The impact of transposable elements in environmental adaptation. Molecular Ecology, 22(6):1503-1517. DOI:10.1111/mec.12170

Zhu Y, Bergland AO, González J, Petrov DA. 2012. Empirical validation of pooled whole genome population re-sequencing in Drosophila melanogaster. PLoS ONE, 7(7):1-7. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0041901

González J, Petrov DA. 2012. Evolution of genome content: population dynamics of transposable elements in flies and humans. Methods in Molecular Biology 855: 361-383.

Calvete O, González J, Betrán E, Ruiz A. 2012. Segmental duplication, microinversion, and gene loss associated with a complex inversion breakpoint region in drosophila. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 29(7):1875-1889. DOI:10.1093/molbev/mss067

Petrov DA, Fiston-Lavier AS, Lipatov M, Lenkov K, González J. 2011. Population genomics of transposable elements in drosophila melanogaster. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 28(5):1633-1644. DOI:10.1093/molbev/msq337

Fiston-Lavier AS, Carrigan M, Petrov DA, González J. 2011. T-lex: A program for fast and accurate assessment of transposable element presence using next-generation sequencing data. Nucleic Acids Research, 39(6):1-10. DOI:10.1093/nar/gkq129

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