The Complex Systems lab focuses on understanding the evolutionary origins of complex systems, using both mathematical models and experimental approaches based on synthetic biology. This lab has proposed and developed the concept of Major Synthetic Transitions as a framework for exploring the origins of innovation in evolution using a parallel approach, namely our potential for building or simulating synthetic systems that can recreate past evolutionary events. This includes the origin of protocells, multicellular systems, symbiosis, cognition and language. Another research area addresses Unstable Evolutionary Dynamics, namely the dynamics of biological systems (particularly RNA viruses and cancer) that exhibit a tendency towards high genetic instability as part of their adaptation potential. The Complex Systems lab also introduced the concept of "Terraforming" endangered or human-made ecosystems to avoid catastrophic shifts. The success of this proposal will require the development of a new synthesis involving multiple scales and conceptual frameworks, ranging from synthetic biology and cellular circuits to ecological communities. Finally, it also studies the evolution of artificial systems, in both silico ecosystems and technological networks, in its search for a true definition of evolutionary dynamics and technological phylogenies.

Lab website: Complex Systems Lab

Ricard Solé Vicente

Solé Vicente, Ricard
ICREA Research Professor (UPF)
Complex Systems Lab

Victor Maull Miquel

Maull Miquel, Victor
Predoctoral researcher
Complex Sistems Lab

Jordi Piñero Fernández

Piñero Fernández, Jordi
Predoctoral Researcher
Complex Systems Lab

Pla Mauri, Jordi
Predoctoral Researcher
Complex Systems

Flores CO, Meyer JR, Valverde S, Farr L, Weitz JS. 2011. Statistical structure of host-phage interactions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(28):1-10. DOI:10.1073/pnas.1101595108

Corominas-Murtra B, Fortuny J, Solé R V. 2011. Emergence of Zipf’s law in the evolution of communication. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 83(3):1-7. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevE.83.036115

Corominas-Murtra B, Rodríguez-Caso C, Goñi J, Solé R. 2011. Measuring the hierarchy of feedforward networks. Chaos, 21(1). DOI:10.1063/1.3562548

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