SCIENTIFIC NEWS: Premi Consell Social UPF 2013 a la Qualitat en la Docència for Dra. Elena Bosch
Elena Bosch has been granted this year the " Premi Consell Social UPF 2013 a la Qualitat en la Docència". Dra Bosch teaches, among others, "Human evolution and health" at the UPF degrees of Medicine and Human Biology.
The awards ceremony will take place on 3rd October 2013, along the inaguration act of the academic year, in UPF auditorium in Campus Ciutadella.
Elena Bosch has been granted this year the " Premi Consell Social UPF 2013 a la Qualitat en la Docència". Dra Bosch teaches, among others, "Human Evolution and health" at the UPF degrees of Medicine and Human Biology.
The awards ceremony will take place on 3rd October 2013, along the inaguration act of the academic year, in UPF auditorium in Campus Ciutadella.