Xavier Grau obtains the 2012 "Extraordinary Prize of UB Master on Developmental Biology"
Xavier Grau, IBE Predoctoral Researcher at I- Ruiz-Trillo's Group has been awarded the "Premi Extraordinari del màster de Biologia del Desenvolupament i Genètica de la UB 2012" for his work entitled: "Evolution and diversity of HECT ubiquitin ligases in eukaryotes"
Evolution and diversity of HECT ubiquitin ligases in eukaryotes
The post-translational modification of proteins is an important cellular regulatory mechanism in all eukaryotic lineages. The ubiquitination pathway is an important mechanism for such purpose, and HECT ligases one of the most important proteins of this pathway. This study on the evolution of HECT enzymes reveal the ancient origin of the main families, and shows that the HECT regulatory toolkit was already expanded and diversified prior to the origin of multicellular animals.