OPEN Suministro de Kit/s de reactivos para la preparación de 16 librerías de HiC a partir de muestras de...
CERRADO Secuenciación NGS mediante la tecnología Illumina Novaseq X plus PE150   ...
CERRADO Suministro de una lupa triocular para investigación de pequeños insectos (hormigas) y morfometría. ...
Spilani, Loukia Butterfly diversity and evolution Predoctoral...
Tulloch Jiménez, Sergi Alexander Systematics, Biogeography and Evolution of Reptiles and...
Trustees     With the support of       Member of Associate member of Distinctions   ...
11F: "Close the Scissors" The Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE, CSIC-UPF) continues the Closing the Scissors...
The Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE) receives the DEEP-MaX from the CSIC to promote Scientific Excellence ...
New study evaluates the phylogenetic potential of ancient tooth enamel proteins A new study led by researchers...
OPEN Suministro de mobiliario. REFERENCIA: 2025_06_EQUIP_IBE FECHA PUBLICACIÓN: 03/03/2025 TIPO:...
Burtin, Mélanie Biology and Ecology of Abundant Protists Predoctoral...
Nonell Remedios, Jordi Microbial Ecology and Evolution Predoctoral...