Atrás Iñaki Ruiz-Trillo named Guest Editor of Molecular Biology and Evolution

Iñaki Ruiz-Trillo named Guest Editor of Molecular Biology and Evolution

Molecular Biology and Evolution, a journal of Oxford University Press, has an Impact Factor of 9,1 and appears in the first decile of the three subject categories to which the journal has been assigned. Guest editors can be upgraded to Associate Editors after a probation period of three months.


Iñaki Ruiz-Trillo, ICREA Professor at the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (CSIC-UPF), has been recently appointed Guest Editor of Molecular Biology and Evolution (MBE), a journal of Oxford University Press. Guest editors can be upgraded to Associate Editors after a probation period of three months. According to the Journal of Citation Reports, the journal has an Impact Factor of 9,1 and appears in the first decile of the three subject categories to which the journal has been assigned. 

MBE publishes research at the interface of molecular (including genomics) and evolutionary biology; and considers manuscripts containing patterns, processes, and predictions at all levels of population, taxonomic, functional, and phenotypic organizations. In addition to fundamental discoveries of broader scope and impact, they are interested in publishing new and improved methods, resources, technologies, and theories that will significantly advance evolutionary research. MBE also publishes balanced reviews of recent developments in genome evolution and forward-looking perspectives suggesting future directions in a field or application of molecular evolution.