Back First meeting of the CSIC Equality Committees

First meeting of the CSIC Equality Committees

The Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC), in coordination with the CSIC Equality Committee and the CSIC Women and Science Committee, is promoting the first meeting of the Equality Committees of the CSIC centers on December 10, 2020. Rosa Fernandez, Pirncipal Investigator of IBE and member of the IBE Diversity Committee, will represent the Institute of Evolutionary Biology at the conference, where everyone is invited. 


The event is part of the European Project Leading Towards Sustainable Gender Equality Plans in Research Institutions (LeTSGEPs), which aims to implement Gender Equality Plans (GEP) with integration of the gender budget approach (GB), in the research centers and universities of the consortium. 

The celebration of the meeting responds to three objectives:

1.     To present the LeTSGEPs project to the CSIC community and to inform about the processes that the ICM is articulating to achieve ts Equality Plan.

2.     To promote the creation of the Network of CSIC's Equality Committees as a space for the generation of knowledge, and the articulation and exchange of good practices around the Gender Equality Plans under the leadership of the CSIC's Equality Committee.

3.     To think about the mechanisms for articulating the CSIC Equality Plan with the Equality Plans of the CSIC centers


10:00h: ROSA MARÍA MENÉNDEZ, Presidenta CSIC: CSIC, Compromiso con la Igualdad

10:15h: JOSEP LLUÍS PELEGRÍ, Director ICM: ICM: la igualdad como estrategia institucional


10:45h: FRANCISCA PUERTAS (CSIC): Comisión Mujeres y Ciencia CSIC

11:05h: ELENA TORRECILLA (ICM): Proyectos de género a nivel EU, requerimientos EU sobre Planes de igualdad, repaso agenda de la reunión

11:15h: ESTHER GARCÉS (ICM), SILVIA DONOSO (ICM): Presentación proyecto EU LeTSGEPs

11:40h: ROSA FERNÁNDEZ (IBE), ELENA GÓMEZ DIAZ (IPBLN), CRISTINA CARNERERO (IDAEA), SILVIA GALLEGO (ICMM), ANNA MAY (ICMAB): Comisiones de Igualdad CSIC, Redes ya establecidas, Centros con distintivo Igualdad 

12:20h: Grupos de discusión

13:35 h: Conclusiones y cierre

Details of the meeting

Date: 10 December 2020

Time: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Online Meeting. Register here to attend. 

Website of the LeTSGEPs project

Organizers: Insitut de Ciències del Mar (ICM, CSIC)Comisión de Igualdad del CSICComisión de Mujeres y Ciencia del CSIC

Download the programme of the meeting here