Genetic Diversity closes the cycle of Escolab sessions 2011-12
For the 5th edition of "Escolab" during 2011 and 2012, Researchers from "Departament de Ciències Experimentals i de la Salut" (CEXS) from UPF and from "Institut de Biologia Evolutiva" (IBE) have organised six sessions, and more than a hundred students from "bachillerato" have had direct contact with Biomedical Research at PRBB.
Under the coordination of Mar Carrió i Vanesa Soria, members of Grup de Recerca Educativa en Ciències de la Salut (GRECS) from UPF, several researchers from Biologia del Desenvolupament, Genètica i Biologia Cel·lular del CEXS, l'Institut de Biologia Evolutiva (UPF-CSIC), jointly with Serveis Científics i Tècnics of PRBB have received the visit of baxillerate students wich are in the process of choosing the orientation of their future studies, maybe towards biomedicine and biomedical technologies.
Last session took place on the 11th April with the visit of 1st and 2nd Batxillerate students from IES Joan Salvat Papasseit de la Barceloneta (Barcelonès)
Population Genetics study individual and groups variation inside one especie or between especies
Hafid Laayouni, researcher at evolutionary Systems Biology research group from Population Genetics IBE Program introduced Population Genetics and explained the research lines of his group.
EscoLab is an initiative from Comissionat per a la Promoció de la Cultura Científica de l'Institut de Cultura de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona. Its objective is approach ESO and batxillerate students to Research laboratories in Barcelona.
Read more at: UPF Webpage news