Diversity in the workplace in terms of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, languages and abilities among others should be a direction to work towards, not only because of its benefits in the long term, but because it is fundamentally fair. 

The IBE Diversity Committee was created in the spring of 2015 to work towards equality at IBE, in science and in society. At IBE we endorse diversity in all aspects and we are actively working to increase it with specific actions, so far focused especially in increasing gender balance. Since its foundation, the Diversity Committee has worked to 1) disseminate the importance of diversity to the IBE community, 2) analyze the situation at IBE, and 3) propose specific measures to correct those tendencies that are negative.

Link to Gender and Diversity Equality Plan


Diversity committee members

Gender and Diversity Equality Plan coordinators: Pilar Rodriguez and Daniel Richter 

LGTBIQA+ perspective coordinator: Tábita Hünemeier

Functional diversity coordinator: Judit Sainz


Former coordinators:

Elena Casacuberta and Iñaki Ruiz-Trillo (2015-2020)

Rosa Fernandez (2020-2021)