IBE collaboration with ARA newspaper awarded by the Catalan Society for Biology
During the event, the SCB recognized the best contributions to biological sciences this year in Catalonia, with prizes for the best professional career, scientific article, batxillerat project and outreach work.
In the outreach category, the award was given to Toni Pou for his multimedia special on Evolution produced in collaboration with IBE a year ago. You can check the complete list of awardees at the SCB webpage.
The special ISSUE, published in Catalan newspaper ARA on the 1st July one year ago, included an interview to IBE director Tomàs Marquès-Bonet as well as six other pages, two interactive activities and one video dealing with several aspects of human evolution. The interactive were funded with an ESEB Outreach initiative fund 2018.
“La Nit de la Biologia” is the initiative with which the Catalan Society for Biology (a subsidiary of the Institute for Catalan Studies, IEC) wants to celebrate - together with the scientific community, the members and supporters of the entity, and the general public - the progress made during the current year by professionals and scholars of the biological sciences of the Catalan-speaking territory.
Content of the especial issue:
ADN. La clau per descobrir els nostres orígens
Com ets ? La resposta és als teus gens
Leading article:
L’aposta per la recerca, una responsabilitat de tots
Interview to Tomàs Marquès-Bonet:
“La teoria de l’evolució no s’ha explicat prou bé”
Tres històries d'incògnites familiars resoltes amb les mostres de saliva