11F: "Close the Scissors"
Science is full of SHEroes whose passion, work and creativity inspired Evolutionary Biologists of today.
As part of our commitment with society, the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE, CSIC-UPF) wants to give credit and visibility to the achievements of female scientists in evolution.
To that aim, we launched the campaign #WhoisyourSHEro to share stories of women who had an impact in our researchers' scientific career through our social media and website.
The campaign keeps on moving as more and more women in evolution are inspiring the IBE community.
You can join the conversation through social media under the hashtag #WhoisyourSHEro.
With the collaboration of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology - Ministry of Science and Innovation.
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11F: "Close the Scissors"
The Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE, CSIC-UPF) launches the social media campaign "Close the Scissors" in celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. The initiative, driven by the Communication and Outreach Unit and the Diversity Committee of the IBE, aims to raise awareness about the gender gap in the field of research with the #CloseTheScissors campaign, which will run over the next few weeks on social media.
Between February 11 and March 8 (International Women's Day), IBE researchers will also visit schools to share their personal experiences as scientists and present their current research.
#CloseTheScissors: Awareness Campaign
While women make up the majority of scientific students, research leaders are predominantly men. At IBE, we want to highlight this gender gap with the visual metaphor of scissors and emphasize that science needs all of us.
Throughout the campaign, IBE staff will engage in conversations with their audience and the scientific and educational community to explore what can be done to eliminate the gender gap in science, so that together we can #CloseTheScissors.
Join the conversation for a more diverse and equal research community.
Visiting Schools: Women in Evolution
Between #11F and #8M (International Women's Day), IBE researchers will also visit schools to share their personal experiences as scientists and present their current research to students.
Thanks to Rosana Cortés from the Multicellgenome Lab, Joana Krauss from the Microbial Ecology and Evolution Lab, and Nuria Hermosilla from the Comparative Genomics group, this year we will reach a hundred secondary school students.