Report-Meeting 1st Spanish-Conference on the molecular cellular and developmental biology of drosophila
Report-Meeting 1st Spanish-Conference on the molecular cellular and developmental biology of drosophila
On the 25th-28th september 2012 in Aigua blava (Girona) took place the "1st Spanish Conference on the Molecular Cellular and Developmental biology of drosophila". IBE Researchers Xavier Franch and David Martín participate in the conference presenting their work.
On the 25th-28th september 2012 in Aigua blava (Girona) took place the "1st Spanish Conference on the Molecular Cellular and Developmental biology of drosophila".
IBE Researchers Xavier Franch (Morphology & Signalling Lab) and David Martín (hormonal Control of Insect Developmental lab) participate in the conference presenting respectively their evolutioray approaches on the role of the signaling pathways on organ formation and morphological innovations during evolution and the genetic control of insect metamorphosis.