Atrás 29 May: Women in Evolution - New Gender Awareness Day

29 May: Women in Evolution - New Gender Awareness Day

IBE (CSIC-UPF) is very pleased to let you know that on May 29th we will hold, for the first time, a Gender Awareness day entitled "Women in Evolution"
This will be a day for science, for IBE, and for PRBB, and brought to you by outstanding women working in different areas of Evolutionary Biology. We will also have the opportunity for deep thinking, for enlightenment and for debate on gender improvement policies with experts leading on the subject at organizations such as EMBO or in the major publishing companies such as Nature. See the whole program below.
We would like to stress the importance of attendance to this whole day event. We strongly believe that during this workshop we will learn science, we will better understand how science management and politics have worked until now, and most important, we will be inspired by what can be changed to improve and lead from our insitutes towards a more inclusive and rich science.
This event organized from the IBE, counts with the support of the PRBB and ESEB, and is open to all science centers in the surrounding area because we strongly believe that it will be of their interest and in the power of spreading initiatives.  
The event is free but please register your interest in attending this event in the following link: