AGENDA: 2013 Phyton meeting; 17th April 19h PRBB
AGENDA: 2013 Phyton meeting; 17th April 19h PRBB
On the 17th April has take place a new edition of Python meeting for cloud computing. This meeting is organised by IBE predoctoral researcher Giovanni Marco Dall'Olio and ChristianTeijón-Lumbreras from de Mind the Byte. This year the meeting counts with more than 70 preinscriptions wich could mark a record of attendance in this year's edition.
Place: Marie Curie Room PRBB building (Doctor Aiguader 88, 08003 Barcelona)
Time: 19h
Today will take place third edition of Phyton meeting. This meeting is organised once a year by IBE predoctoral researcher Giovanni Marco Da'll Ollio and Christian Teijón-Lumbreras from de Mind the Byte. This year the meeting counts with more than 70 preinscriptions wich could mark a record of attendance in this year's edition.