Atrás Tomàs Marqués-Bonet joins the network of EMBO Young Investigators

Tomàs Marqués-Bonet joins the network of EMBO Young Investigators

EMBO announced on the past 6th November the selection of 23 young researchers as EMBO Young Investigators. ICREA and IBE researcher Tomàs Màrques-Bonet is one of the only three awarded scientists working on Spanish centres,  All of them in Catalonia and two of them belonging to Universitat Pompeu Fabra group. The other two awarded scientists are Pedro Carvalho (CRG) and Melike Lakadamyali from ICFO.
Researchers will receive 15.000 € during three years to suport their research. 
Congratulations to all of them!


The Young Investigator Programme is for researchers under forty years of age who have established their first laboratories in the past four years. The successful candidates work in ten European countries, Israel and Singapore. The success rate for selection to this highly competitive programme was twelve per cent this year.

The newly elected EMBO Young Investigators have the potential to be tomorrow's life science leaders," says Gerlind Wallon, EMBO Deputy Director and Manager of the Young Investigator Programme. "The status of Young Investigator offers a level of recognition that brings immediate benefits to scientists at an early stage of their careers."

Financial support includes 15,000 euros per year for three years directly from the member state where the laboratories of the scientists are located. The researchers receive a range of benefits to help start their first

independent research laboratories. Laboratory management and non-scientific skills training as well as PhD

courses offer the young group leaders and their students the chance to develop professional skills. The scientists also receive access to core facilities at EMBL and funding for themselves and their group members to attend conferences.