Back IBE joins CSIC initiative to hire researchers working in Ukraine

IBE joins CSIC initiative to hire researchers working in Ukraine

At the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE, CSIC-UPF) we welcome and join CSIC initiative to hire Ukraine-based researchers whose task is made impossible by the war in the country.


Due to the situation that Ukraine is currently experiencing, IBE has joined the CSIC initiative to support researchers who carry out their work in Ukraine and whose task is made impossible by the war in the country.

The grants will be aimed at hiring scientists with a PhD, for a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 2 years, with the possibility of extension.


So far, several teams at IBE have joined this initiative. You can find below an updated list of IBE groups willing to host researchers under this call, and the corresponding contact email:



PI: Rosa Fernández

Metazoa Phylogenomics lab  

We are happy to host Ukranian researchers working in Computational Genomics and Bioinformatics. Women are particularly encouraged to apply


[email protected]

PI: Javier del Campo

Microbial Ecology and Evolution lab

We are open to host scientists interested in Microbiology, Genomics or Bioinformatics


[email protected]

PIs: Dolors Piulachs

Insect Reproduction Lab

Jose Luis Maestro

Nutritional signals in Insects Lab

Xavier Bellés

Evolution of Insect Metamorphosis Lab

We can host researchers working in Insect development and reproduction, using functional genomics and transcriptomics


[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]


UPF inniciative: Ukraine monitoring team

The Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) has set up a Ukraine monitoring team to respond to and disseminate a number of initiatives and actions promoted by the university that can be found on this website:

The UPF-Ukraine Monitoring Group would be available to receive potential legal inquiries, questions and concerns that may be common to all institutions regarding Ukraine issues. Email address:  [email protected]