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BEE DEVICES and other curious observations

Opening event on the 7th of May at 18.00h at the Hall of CMIMA - Pg. Marítim de la Barceloneta 39-47; 08003 Barcelona. Beverages will be served during the event and we will be offered a welcome discourse by Anna Omedes, director of the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona.


The research group led by Luc Steels at IBE has co-organized an exhibition about bees, art and technology. Given the situation of bees and the catastrophic environmental consequences if they become extinct, this exhibition, which will travel around the world during 2015, aims to show not only the result of years of research with bees, but also to raise awareness about this problem both within the general population and the scientific community.

7th of May-7th of June

Hall of CMIMA - Pg. Marítim de la Barceloneta 39-47 08003 Barcelona

Opening event: 7th of May at 18.00h.

Beverages will be served during the event and we will be offered a welcome discourse by Anna Omedes, director of the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona.

The exhibition BEE DEVICES and other curious observations is the starting point of the presentation on the research and artistic work of AnneMarie Maes and the Brussels Urban Bee Lab. The work of AnneMarie Maes, media artist and beekeeper, started more than six years ago, and it is based on a rigorous research into bees.

AnneMarie Maes set up the Brussels Urban Bee Lab in 2009 and this artistic laboratory installed several instrumented beehives on garden roofs in the centre of Brussels.

The artists and technicians of Brussels Urban Bee Lab designed sophisticated equipment to monitor and measure the bee colonies, process the data and disseminate these via streaming.

This research has so far instigated a series of installations, objects, graphic works, sound works and workshops that were shown in galleries, festivals and public spaces. It induced an intense interaction with scientists and technologists, partly to build and install the measuring equipment but also to investigate the reasons for the urgent problem of bee colonies starting to die out in all industrialised countries.