Science is full of SHEroes whose passion, work and creativity inspired Evolutionary Biologists of today. 

As part of our commitment with society, the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE, CSIC-UPF) wants to give credit and visibility to the achievements of female scientists in evolution. 

To that aim, we launched the campaign #WhoisyourSHEro to share stories of women who had an impact in our researchers' scientific career through our social media and website.

The campaign keeps on moving as more and more women in evolution are inspiring the IBE community.

You can join the conversation through social media under the hashtag #WhoisyourSHEro


With the collaboration of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology - Ministry of Science and Innovation.

Back Catalan newspaper <i>ARA</i> devotes its Sunday edition to evolutionary biology and to IBE

Catalan newspaper ARA devotes its Sunday edition to evolutionary biology and to IBE

It has been produced in collaboration with the Institute in the occasion of its 10th anniversary. It includes an interview to IBE director Tomàs Marquès-Bonet, as well as six other pages, two interactives and one video dealing with several aspects of human evolution.


IBE turns 10 years old in 2018. This seemed a good excuse to suggest the Catalan quality newspaper ARA that they could devote a special issue to evolutionary biology and, by extension, the Institute. ARA felt enthusiastic about the idea, and decided to work with IBE in the definition of the content of the especial issue. After several months of work, it was published on 1st July in the occasion of the 160th anniversary of the day Darwin and Wallace’s theory of natural selection was first presented to the scientific community ―in the Linnean Society of London.

In addition to the content published in the paper edition, two interactives and one video were published online. The interactives were funded with an ESEB Outreach initiative fund 2018

Content of the especial issue:


ADN. La clau per descobrir els nostres orígens

Com ets ? La resposta és als teus gens 

Leading article:

L’aposta per la recerca, una responsabilitat de tots 


Darwin no ho va encertar tot

La tecnologia ens remodelarà

Interview to Tomàs Marquès-Bonet:

“La teoria de l’evolució no s’ha explicat prou bé” 


Tres històries d'incògnites familiars resoltes amb les mostres de saliva


Una mostra de saliva per descobrir els orígens familiars