Joves i Ciencia at IBE once again!
Science is full of SHEroes whose passion, work and creativity inspired Evolutionary Biologists of today.
As part of our commitment with society, the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE, CSIC-UPF) wants to give credit and visibility to the achievements of female scientists in evolution.
To that aim, we launched the campaign #WhoisyourSHEro to share stories of women who had an impact in our researchers' scientific career through our social media and website.
The campaign keeps on moving as more and more women in evolution are inspiring the IBE community.
You can join the conversation through social media under the hashtag #WhoisyourSHEro.
With the collaboration of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology - Ministry of Science and Innovation.
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Joves i Ciencia at IBE once again!
This week and until mid july Elena Casacuberta will be hosting three students as part of the Joves i Ciència programme sponsored by Fundació Catalunya - La Pedrera.
IBE is one more year involved in the summer research programme organized by Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera. This time, Aina, Marta and Jordi will spend their summer at Elena Casacuberta's lab, learning from scratch how to develop unicellular models to study the origin of animals.
Joves i Ciència, a mentoring programme aimed at 14 to 18 years old students, is designed to encourage young people to pursue careers in science.
Visit the programme’s website (in Catalan) to now more about the 2019 edition of Joves i Ciència.