The IBE Community holds the first working session of the future building's design
Science is full of SHEroes whose passion, work and creativity inspired Evolutionary Biologists of today.
As part of our commitment with society, the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE, CSIC-UPF) wants to give credit and visibility to the achievements of female scientists in evolution.
To that aim, we launched the campaign #WhoisyourSHEro to share stories of women who had an impact in our researchers' scientific career through our social media and website.
The campaign keeps on moving as more and more women in evolution are inspiring the IBE community.
You can join the conversation through social media under the hashtag #WhoisyourSHEro.
With the collaboration of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology - Ministry of Science and Innovation.
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The IBE Community holds the first working session of the future building's design
The Institute of Evolutionary Biology is pleased to welcome the winners of the architectural competition for the execution of the project for the new “El Mercat del Peix”: ZGF Architects, MIRAG, and Double Twist, which visited IBE's facilities and met the center's researchers for the first time.
"El Mercat del Peix" is a joint initiative between the UPF, the BIST, and CSIC. The complex brings together three research buildings and will become one of the major nodes of scientific knowledge in Europe with the aim to combat climate, human and social emergencies.
This innovative and ambitious project will be undertaken by the three groups of international architects, who visited the IBE facilities for the first time yesterday.
The partners offered a presentation of the new project to the IBE community and responded to the doubts and observations of future users.
"The goal is that when you move into this building, you feel like you designed it, not us." Said Ted Hyman, project leader at ZGF Architects.
The architect emphasized the importance of showing science to the city of Barcelona and encouraged the collaboration between entities with the future building.
"We want to put the science on display, this is where the science happens." Ted Hayman said, pointing to the first-floor plan of the building. "Getting people interested in science and to be able to see what's going on down there."
The sketch showed an open design, with glass and wood as the predominant materials. Planetary well-being is one of the main objectives of the project, and the building will be designed to minimize the carbon footprint and save energy.
MIRAG's Barcelona offices, on the other hand, highlighted the strategic position of the location in Ciutadella Park, which they consider to be the true center of Barcelona.
"It's a question of efficiency and easy maintenance, these are the two main pillars of the building." Added Pau Millet, from MIRAG, that assured the building is designed to maintain its functionality and innovation over the years.
The partners then started the first working meeting with the center's researchers to include the needs of the IBE's research groups in the design.
Despite the diversity of opinions, the idea of science as a collaborative process prevailed throughout the meeting. All the facilities in the building have joint points and shared spaces between the different research centers of “El Mercat del Peix”. These meeting and recreation spaces are intended to promote collaboration between research groups and ensure a greater transfer of scientific knowledge.
"You'll meet people you wouldn't meet if these spaces didn't exist. That's how collaboration comes about." Ted Hayman pointed out.
This meeting has started the collaboration between the architects and the research staff of the IBE, who will continue to work for this key site of the “Ciutadella del Coneixement”.